People of openSUSE
Interviews with the people who make openSUSE
The "People of openSUSE" is an interview series with the people who form the community
of openSUSE, those people who spend their time and effort to make all the great things
happen in openSUSE. The series ran from 2007 to 2011. In 2016 we are rebooting it and
are adding interviews with more people. Stay tuned and learn to know who makes openSUSE.
All interviews
Ludwig Nussel
Sarah Julia Kriesch
Dominique Leuenberger
Mihnea Dobrescu-Balaur
Manu Gupta
Christos Bountalis
Jeff Mahoney
Jos Poortvliet
Alexander Naumov
Per Jessen
Marcus Schaefer
Lars Müller
Jim Henderson
Jan Engelhardt
Jean-Daniel Dodin
Sascha saigkill Manns
Vincent Untz
Claes Backstrom
Henne Vogelsang
Frank Sundermeyer
Bryen Yunashko
Joe Brockmeier
Jan-Simon Möller
Tanja Roth
Rupert Horstkötter
Cornelius Schumacher
Matthias Fehring
Klaus Kämpf
Wolfgang Koller
Marcus Hüwe
Greg Kroah-Hartman
Michael Löffler
Jakub Steiner
Marco Michna
Masim Sugianto
Timo Hönig
Detlef Reichelt
Marcus Rueckert
Rossana Motta
Michael Meeks
Jake Rogers
Wolfgang Rosenauer
Katarina Machalkova
James Tremblay
Lukáš Ocilka
Rajko Matovic
Marcus Meissner
James Ogley
JP Rosevear
Keith Kastorff
Klaas Freitag
Federico Mena-Quintero
Jigish Gohil
Stephan Binner
Martin Lasarsch
Christian Boltz
Carlos Gonçalves
Seth Arnold
Edith Parzefall
Benjamin Weber
Andreas Jaeger
Martin Schlander
Pascal Bleser
Stephan Kulow
Doing new interviews
See the page about
how to do interviews with the People of openSUSE
for some instructions and guide lines for doing interviews.
The people we ask are people who are involved in the openSUSE community in
some way. We are trying to have a diverse selection of people with
different background and doing different type of work.
The sources for this page can be found in the
git repo of the openSUSE organization. Feel free to open issues or submit pull request
there for any suggestions you might have.